Corporate News

Our take on the latest news and events within the corporate world.

June 2024

How can you reduce staff turnover?

At a time when economic growth is sluggish, many are hoping that the nation’s wealth creators will be able to drive an increase in output over the coming months. So as a business owner yourself, what practical steps can you take, beyond stepping up your marketing activity and delivering the best possible service to your…

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The New Era of Pension Allowances: Understanding the End of the Lifetime Allowance

The recent abolition of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) for pensions marks a significant shift in retirement planning and wealth management in the UK. This move, set to reshape how individuals approach their pension savings, ushers in new rules and opportunities for affluent investors. As we delve into this new landscape, it’s crucial to understand both…

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June Market Commentary

The global financial markets continue to grapple with a complex mix of geopolitical tensions, inflationary pressures, and evolving central bank policies. The past year has seen significant shifts in market dynamics, with varying impacts across different regions. This commentary provides an overview of the key factors influencing financial markets in the UK, Europe, the United…

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How long should your small business retain books and records?

Keeping on top of your finances is a vital aspect of owning a small business. But all of the paperwork, from bank statements and invoices to receipts and correspondence, can easily pile up over time. So how long should you hang on to your business books and records? Well, HMRC requires small businesses to keep…

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