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February 2024

February Market Commentary

While growth has been stagnant across much of the globe in recent months, various sets of figures have suggested that the corner is finally being turned. For example, inflation is falling, and many analysts believe central banks around the world will start cutting interest rates in the near future. However, recent attacks by Houthi rebels…

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Why you need to review your pension

It’s so easy to set up a pension, set up your contributions and then basically forget about it, safe in the knowledge that your pension pot is growing every month and year. But this approach means you might miss out on opportunities to maximise your income in later life. It’s therefore a good idea to…

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Financial freedom is a journey

What does financial freedom look like for you? For most, it means having enough income, savings or investments to live life on their own terms, without having to worry about the consequences. But financial freedom isn’t something that can be achieved overnight. It’s a target that you need to work towards over many years, with…

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Should I sign a pre-nup?

In the past, pre-nuptial agreements would once have been seen as the sole preserve of the mega-rich, from movie stars to owners of multinational corporations. But they’re slowly becoming increasingly popular among couples from all financial backgrounds who want to protect their wealth in the event their marriage goes wrong. Nevertheless, opinion on taking out…

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